woocommerce site assistance

WooCommerce website support

Atena Solution deals with consultancy and support for WooCommerce websites and it’s specialized on WordPress CMS and in all its features, in add-on modules and plug-ins as the one for e-commerce.

If you have a company that chose WooCommerce to implement your corporate website with an electronic shop made with WordPress, we are able to provide you with assistance, training and consultancy on how to solve the main problems that could arise and undermine the e-commerce well functioning.

Benefits from our WooCommerce assistance service

Being assisted on WooCommerce allows you to keep on focusing on other important activities of your business, while we solve problems for you. In this way you will be able to:

  • time: you will avoid the loss of that time spent reading guide books and looking at video tutorials;
  • savings: time is money; often it is more convenient paying a WooCommerce expert consultant who is able to solve your problem in the short term, instead of letting sales drop and lose potential clients.
  • stress: sale rate loss and money loss in an e-commerce could also be emotionally stressful, so just rely on us.

What problems we solve on WooCommerce

WooCommerce is a plug-in or a WordPress add-on and it is quite easy to manage and to set up. However, on some occasions it is necessary to rely on the WooCommerce assistance service.

Plug-in updating

WooCommerce updates are important, but under certain circumstances something may go wrong and produce malfunctioning to your electronic shop. 

In this case we are able to quickly identify the nature of the problem and solve it, thanks to our consultancy and assistance service. Often it’s necessary to intervene on the PHP code or on the CSS style sheets. These are delicate operations meant to be done by some experts so that the website won’t be damaged anymore.

Compatibility with other plug-in

WordPress features numerous plug-ins to enrich the website functions. That’s cool, but sometimes some incompatibilities arise between WooCommerce and some other plug-in or add-on module.

In this case we are going to analyze into details which is the plug-in creating a conflict with WooCommerce and we solve the issue. If this incompatibility can not be sorted out we assist you by finding a different plug-in that does not clash with WooCommerce and that, at the same time, does satisfy you.

Teaching assistance service for WooCommerce

In addition to the WooCommerce assistance service for your websites we provide our clients with tutoring and educational training. Each time we will assist you, you will be able to take part together with us to the interventions we make, through shared screens. This is a very practical solution to website owners that want to enforce their knowledge and want to learn to autonomously sort out any problems with WooCommerce.

Continuous assistance and management

You have limited time to manage your website? We have planned a continuous assistance package to support you in the total management of your website, so:

  • plug in updating,
  • product catalogue updating;
  • regular checks on configurations (payments, taxes, translations etc);
  • and much more

Contact us for an obligation-free consultancy.

SEO for WooCommerce

Selling something is very difficult when your website is not positioned on search engines. Also in this case we provide you with a specific SEO assistance service for a WooCommerce website.

This service will allow you to optimize your e-commerce on the search engines, at the very best.

Contact us and find out the details of our service and ask us for a free consultancy.

You don’t know well where or how to intervene in your WooCommerce shop?

“To each one his own job”

Contact us without any obligation and together with a consultant you will evaluate the best action to make. You will be the one to choose us.

We will answer as soon as possible!