To get a concrete result from social media it takes medium/long term strategy and planning.
This is the role of the social media strategist and he/she can not be an inexperienced social media manager; if not improvised. Those dealing with social management for restaurants must also have at least basic knowledge of the catering industry.
An important thing, when it comes to social media, is also the image that your restaurant shows off. If your restaurant is top-rated, luxurious or otherwise good, he image you show on social networks must be consistent with the one of the restaurant.
To give an even more concrete example: if a diner or a trattoria shows on its social media images that convey the feeling of a luxurious venue, don’t you think it could attract a target of customers not aligned with the standard of the restaurant?
If on the basis of those images and sensations the potential customer goes eating in that room and while entering finds himself inside an inn, tavern, trattoria could almost feel “betrayed” in his/her confidence and in his/her expectations.